Council of Optometry Ireland

The work of Optometry Ireland is governed by its Council which comprises 16 members to represent members’ interests. All members are eligible to stand for election and the Council meets five times annually.

The Council has a sub-group called the Executive Committee which meets monthly comprising of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and two further members.

There are also four sub-committees which are:

  • Continuing Professional Development
  • Professional Services
  • Communications
  • OI Hospital Committee

Optometry Ireland implements a Code of Conduct & Ethics which all members are required to adhere to as a condition of membership.

A long conference table is lined with black office chairs. Each place is set with a notepad, pen, and a water bottle. The room has elegant decor with gold accents.

A woman with shoulder-length blonde hair smiles at the camera. She is wearing a bright pink top against a plain white background.

Meet the Council

President, Tania Constable

Tania graduated from Manchester University in 2007. She then completed her pre-registration year with D&A Opticians, at the end of which she become registered with the General Optical Council.

Tania worked in the UK for a number of years before returning to Ireland in 2012. She has worked in a number of different practice settings from multiples to independents, and as a locum.

She is a clinical optometrist who has worked within the HSE since 2017, both in acute and secondary care ophthalmology clinics, which has been an exciting time for the development of Optometry. She has a special interest in paediatric optometry.

Continuous education is key to any Optometrist’s professional development and Tania completed an MSc in Clinical Optometry in 2021. She is an experienced speaker and has presented at a number of conferences both in Ireland and the UK.

Tania has been a member of Optometry Ireland and it’s Council for a number of years before being elected President in late 2022. She is delighted to have the opportunity to lead OI during this period of dynamic change in the profession. Optometry can provide a key role in addressing the pressures facing the health system now and into the future.

If you wish to get in touch with Tania, she can be contacted through the OI office.

Liz Grennan

Vice President and Chair of  Communications
A woman with shoulder-length brown hair smiles at the camera. She is wearing a colourful floral blouse and a pink cardigan. The background is plain and light grey.

Derville Pitcher

A smiling woman with short, light brown hair wearing a colorful, patterned blouse stands against a plain background.

Triona Culltion

Honorary Secretary


Martin O'Brien

Chair of CPD & Education Committee

Mary McMahon

Chair of Professional Services Committee


Optometric Advisor

Get in Touch

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Or call — 01 453 8850