Flashes and Floaters

Flashes and floaters are tiny spots, lines, flashes or shapes in your vision. Lots of people experience them and they usually aren’t cause for alarm.


What are flashes?

Sometimes the jelly inside your eye shrinks a little and tugs on the retina (the light-sensitive layer) at the back of your eye. This can cause flashes of light at the edge of your vision. This is different from the disturbance of vision that can happen with a migraine.


A bright blue sky with scattered clouds and thin, wispy strands floating across it, illuminated by sunlight peeking through the clouds.

What are floaters?

Often, people who have healthy eyes see floaters. They appear as spots, lines or cobweb effects, usually when you look at a plain surface such as a white wall, screen or a clear blue sky. They are usually caused by cells clumping together in the clear jelly in the main part of your eye and casting shadows on your retina – the light-sensitive layer of the eye. The sudden appearance of new floaters is different and may be caused by the jelly shrinking and can sometimes mean there is a tear in the retina.

When should I be concerned?

If you suddenly notice a shower of new floaters, or floaters along with flashes or a dark shadow or a ‘curtain’ in your vision, these symptoms can mean that the retina is tearing. If you notice any of these symptoms, you need prompt advice and attention. Go to your Optometrist or A&E straight away.


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