Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find an Optometrist?

Click here to find you nearest Optometrist.

Please note you cannot book an eye examination through Optometry Ireland, we are the administrative office for the members and are not Optometrists.  You will need to book an appointment with your local practice.

Where can I find a Domiciliary Optometrist?
Where can I recycle my glasses/spectacles?

You can recycle your glasses/spectacles in your local Lions Club.

How are the public protected?

CORU is Ireland’s independent regulator for Health and Social Care Professions, inculduing optometrists.  It oversees the Health and Social Care Professionals with Council and Registrations Boards – such as the Optical Registration Board – under the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005 (as amended).


Should you need to make sure an Optometrist is registered with CORU, click here.

Should you need to make a fitness to practise complaint against an optomertist, please visit the CORU website here.

Platinum Sponsors

Logo for Topcon Healthcare featuring a stylised black emblem and text. TOPCON is in bold black letters, Healthcare is in purple, and the tagline SEEING EYE HEALTH DIFFERENTLY is in smaller black letters at the bottom.
The image features the logo of Bausch + Lomb with the text See better. Live better. in teal on a white background.
Logo of Hakim Group featuring a dark circle with HG in the center. The word HAKIM is written in large letters below, with GROUP in smaller letters underneath. The overall color scheme is dark blue.